Fri, Mar 28, 2025
Pres. Velasco holds first State of the University Address
The following are updates from relevant concerns on the TSU POST-ECQ Plans and Actions gathered through social media comments:
The following is the approved post-ECQ plan of Tarlac State University on academic matters based on the series of meetings…
From 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, let us switch off non-essential lights in our homes.
This communication is issued pursuant to the disseminated Emergency Protocols and Intensified Precautionary Measures against the threat of Coronavirus by…
Tarlac State University submitted to the Commission on Higher Education on March 19, 2020 its statement concerning the actions taken…
The Graduate School Admission Test for the 3rd Trimester of S.Y. 2019-2020 scheduled on March 24-27, 2020 is postponed
The TSU Medical Services Unit has been given an approval from the Tarlac City Mayor to open its clinic at…
Use of e-Learning and Other Instructional Modes and Alternative Workforce Arrangement to Address Spread of COVID-19
Relative to the suspension of public transportation as declared by President Duterte, all TSU personnel are advised to stay at…
In relation to E.O. No. 3, s. 2020 of the Tarlac Provincial Governor, faculty members can continuously administer their classes…