Fri, Mar 28, 2025
Pres. Velasco holds first State of the University Address
Food Technology is a discipline based on the application of science and related fields of study in the conversion of raw materials into safe, stable palatable and nutritious foods. It includes the post-harvest handling, preparation, processing, packaging, storage and distribution of food to ensure food and nutrition security, safety and well-being of individuals, families and communities.
Some related fields include analytical chemistry, biotechnology, engineering, nutrition, quality control, and food safety management. It also includes the social, economic, managerial, and entrepreneurial, and environmental aspects of food systems as well as the art of food preparation.
The Republic Act No. 11052 or the Philippine Food Technology Act, states the importance of professional food technologists in nation-building and development. Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive, and well-rounded professional food technologists whose standards of practice and service shall be excellent, world class, and globally competitive through honest, effective, relevant, and credible licensure examinations and through regulatory programs, measures, and activities that foster their professional growth, social responsibility, and development; written in Article 1, Section II of the Act.
The program aims to achieve the following objectives:
Program outcomes
A graduate of the program should be able to:
Career opportunities IN THE GOVERNMENT
Career opportunities IN THE ACADEME
Career opportunities IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY
Freshmen Walk and Building Tour
The Food Technology Department and the Philippine Association of Food Technologists’ Inc. – Chi Chapter facilitate and organize a freshmen walk and building tour to show their identity and welcome them wholeheartedly the freshman students.
Orientation and Seminars
A better grasp of the campus, the FTRC building, and the laboratory facilities that freshmen students will utilize in the coming years. The orientation's main goal is to give new students valuable guidance and materials about the course they have chosen, and this entails getting to know the teachers and other faculty members. First-year students are provided with helpful information and a chance to meet one another (face-to-face),
form connections and build a sense of community as they begin their academic journey as a food technologist student. Aim of such seminars is to ensure that the students obtain extra additional knowledge that will add value to their lives. The knowledge can be industry-driven, problem-focused, or simply promoting information that will enhance the customer’s life experiences.
Leadership Training
The main purpose of the PAFT-Lead: Leadership Training is to hone the skills, qualities that are required to effectively lead and manage a team. This activity will serve as a foundation for aspiring student leaders to boost their confidence and serve the student body. It also aims to cultivate strong and effective leaders who can drive success, foster collaboration, and create a positive and productive work environment while at the same time having fun.
Variety of teaching methodologies enhances students learning through the application of group dynamics and presentation, time pressure examination, case analysis relevant to the discipline of Food Science and Technology, peer teaching/Faculty tandem teaching, data gathering through surveys, video and simulation presentation. This enables the students to develop their competencies, skills, assertiveness, critical thinking and decision making.
Tandem Teaching : Food Technology Faculty
The Food Technology Faculty organized a tandem teaching for the FT14 Food Quality Assurance for the Statistical process control (SPC). It is a method of quality control which employs statistical methods to monitor and control a process. This helps to ensure that the process operates efficiently, producing more specification-conforming products with less waste.
Student Peer Teaching
Establishing other methods of learning by facilitating peer teaching, this enables the students to reinforce their own learning by instructing others. Students feel more comfortable and open when interacting with a peer. Peers and students share similar discourse, allowing for greater understanding. This also help them build self confidence, assertiveness, communication skills which are also core competencies that a food technologist should develop.
The department organization PAFT-Chi initiated to facilitate and assist the MSME’s of Tarlac for developing their Food Safety Manuals as a document needed for the application of FDA - License to Operate.
Student Activity: Student Initiate Seminar
The Food Technology students together with the PAFT-Chi organization facilitate and organize a seminar on Environmental Impacts and Waste Management in Food Industry. The speaker was a practitioner from Food Industry and he was able to discuss updates on the waste management systems. Students from the Department of Environmental Science were also invited to join the said event.
Seminars and Trainings Attended by Food Technology Students
The Food Technology Department initiated to organize a seminar relative to Food Microbiology. Certain demo of the latest technologies in Microbiology were showcased during the lecture discussion series. The students were also proactive and were able to participate on the said event.
The conduct of seminar on cGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practices for graduating students. This enables the students for their readiness towards entering their field of practice. This seminar refers to the regulations enforced by FDA for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities.
Student Activity: Tribute Party for Graduating Students
Student Activity: Gift Giving on Elementary Schools in Tarlac
Student Activity: Food Technology Month Celebration
Seminar and Food Science and Technology Conventions Initiated by the Philippine Association of Food Technologists’ Inc.
Official Facebook Page
Certificate of Student Chapter Membership given on July 27, 2016
Certificate of Accreditation to PAFT-Chi recognized as Active Organization in Tarlac State University
The College of Science aims to produce a fully functioning and excellence graduates who can perform the competencies under each of the Key Areas of Responsibility. To achieve the college goals and objectives, a Faculty Development Program is a critical factor towards building a strong foundation in the execution of the program to ensure quality education. The quality of education depends largely on the qualifications and competencies of the faculty, thus regular meeting, seminar-workshop, and evaluation is being conducted in the college and university level.